It is incredible what political simpletons Jews are. They shut their eyes to one of the most elementary rules of life, that you must not "meet halfway" those who do not want to meet you. -- Ze'ev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky, “The Iron Wall,” November 4, 1923
Just the other day I wrote:
“Beyond the debate over the morality or justice of Israel’s deal to release 1000 terrorists for one kidnapped soldier lies a simple fact: the Arabs always regard Israel’s last offer – even if rejected – as the starting point for new negotiations. Now that the Shalit formula has turned out “successfully,” the precedent has been set. If Israel wants to get the Arab thorn out of its side, it will have to give exponentially more than it receives. And even then Israel will have to accept the likelihood its bargain will come back to haunt it.”
Ynet, 10.21.11
Abbas: Olmert promised more prisoners after Shalit
Palestinian president claims former prime minister secretly vowed to release larger number of detainees after captive soldier's return; tells Time Magazine he expects Netanyahu to keep predecessor's promise.
Read the whole story here including Abbas’s doubletalk; some of the best since Al Kelly passed away.
Dan Friedman
Saturday, 22 October 2011
The Shalit Deal: Whetting The Arabs' Dan Friedman
Theo Spark
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