
Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Winners? Losers? You decide...........from Rico

Take a look at the past decade.

To me, the 'winners' and the 'losers' clearly stand out.

A reasonable chap might conclude that Greenbacks, Bonds (sovereign debt) and Financials (banks) might NOT be the 'best' places to be invested for the next decade, but then we can't all be self-annointed Nobel prize winners like Krugman of the NYT, or Ivory Tower Professors from the Halls of Macadamia like Benny Bernanke either.
- Hey, I don't claim to be a genius here...I didn't "catch on" to this until Silver was in the low-20's and Gold in the low-700's, getting OUT of paper counter-party risk and some clearly 'losing' diversified investments at that time.

Ignoring CW (conventional wisdom), the cheerleaders and talking heads of FTV, and other economic crash-test dummies who tout "diversified & balanced" investment portfolios, I'd suggest (gasp) that you all think for yourselves and make your own decisions.
- Look at the attached graphic first. Somehow I very much doubt you'll see it anywhere else...

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