
Sunday, 14 August 2011

A Thought..............from Rico

This simple picture nicely illustrates why our vote has become merely a 'suggestion'...and is usually ignored.

Our legislators have all been bought-and-paid for by big corporate donors.
- It's obvious WHO is being represented these days, and it's not the dummies who bother to vote for these corrupticrats.

It's been often said that he who had the gold, made the rules.
- Small wonder all that bailout money went to Wallstreet and the Banksters...the too big to fail guys, who just 'happen' to fund the likes of Dodd, Frank, Reid, Pelosi and Soetoro (not to forget the RINO's since both sides of the aisle have sold out) while Mainstreet got nothing but a swift kick in the ass.

1 comment:

95BSharpshooter said...

Except that 90% or so of the bailout money has been re-paid.