
Thursday, 11 August 2011

Pardon ME............from Rico

It's hard NOT to appreciate the hilarity Joe "plugs" Biden provides us on a regular basis, but let's take him seriously for a moment.
If you are a Statist and believe that the 'little people' exist only to serve the Central Government, then from that perspective anyone who holds the value of the individual above the Government and thinks the Government only exists to serve the people is a "terrorist"...I mean, the very idea MUST scare the beejesus out of these Democrats (Communists) and RINO's (Socialists).

I think the "Taxed Enough Already" (TEA) Party is on to something! Shrinking Government by 90% would solve 99.9% of our problems.....

So "Pardon ME" for thinking less Government, lower taxes, and more individual freedom. If that makes ME a terrorist, be afraid. Be VERY afraid

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