Monday 18 July 2011

Rupert Murdoch's apology - the first draft.........

Click pic to enlarge

By The Lakelander


LifeoftheMind said...

Left wing bull from hypocrites who support Wikileaks. The use of this to attack Murdoch is partisan and drips with hate and envy. They are fascists who just want to choke off any free voice.

Anonymous said...

LifeoftheMind: I think you miss the point.

As anyone who has the misfortune to find themselves visiting my blog, I am politically to the right of Atilla the Hun. Liberals and Socialists are my prime target, closely followed by shallow celebrities. My blog is a piss-take normally based on Photoshopped images, not a serious political commentary.

In the UK, we view Rupert Murdoch as a complete twat who avoids paying tax on his earnings in this country and who flip flops his support between Labour and Conservative, depending upon who will give him the easiest ride.

Sit back and watch the fun over the next few weeks. My guess is that the fall out is going to bring down the coalition government in the UK.