
Monday 11 July 2011

Israel Turns The Tables On USA's Jewish Dan Friedman

The op-ed below is good news, unless you’re a “Reform” or a liberal Jew, which are too often one and the same. If you do fit the description, the attached has your spiritual failure and political isolation written all over it. Israel and the Jewish community that gave Obama 80% of its vote, and rallied around Tony Kushner, are parting ways. Israel is leaving them in the dust.

To give credit where it’s due, liberal “intellectuals” like nominal Jews Thomas Friedman and Peter Beinhart must have seen this coming. The only explanation for their petulant attacks against Israel and their hysterical rants exhorting Pharaoh Obama to whip Israel harder is an overwhelming inner rage provoked by a Jewish a nation with the gall to reject their “advice” - and is now clearly better off without it.

But it’s too late for the Jewish Left, as well as their farbissen cohorts running the “organizations” and the rabbis and rabbettes preaching the liberal gospel in their “temples.” They placed big bets on bile, egotism and distortions – anything except love of The Land- and came up craps. So in desperation, the spiteful unJews thought to punish Israel by distancing themselves from Zion. But as we see history rapidly unfolding, Zion is growing stronger and “more Jewish” while The Land distances itself from them. df

In praise of rightist Israel

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