Monday 18 July 2011

Is Glenn Beck Dan Friedman

"Beck regularly implies that a second Holocaust is in the making. Beck's concerns about the modern state of Israel appear to be sincere and heartfelt, but his presentation is problematic and inaccurate... Wouldn't it be more truthful to present Israel as secure and thriving nation which is fully aware of the challenges she faces?"

Glenn Beck was in Israel last week in preparation for his big August event in Jerusalem, “Restoring Courage.” That gave Israelis a close-up look of the man and, as Jews are wont to do, a good many evaluated his mission with a gimlet eye. From the perspective of religious Jews (rarely aired in the USA), the reviews are mixed. Their operating assumption is that since Beck is a devout Mormon he approaches Israel from a Mormon’s point of view. Not surprisingly, I could find no one who expressed the hysterical “anti-Semitic” charges leveled at Beck by America’s Reform and liberal Jewish communities. There is clearly a readiness to accept Beck as a friend. Nevertheless, a feeling of wariness is in the air among some Orthodox Israelis.

For a quick survey of what these Torah-observant Jews in Israel are saying about Beck, and why, click on the three headlines and read the stories below.

Glenn Beck and the Jewish Problem

Why Jews should be uncomfortable with Glenn Beck

Moshe Feiglin's Take on Beck

Dan Friedman

1 comment:

Opus #6 said...

When that Israeli family was murdered in their sleep, down to the tiny infant, Glenn Beck alone talked about it on his program. Other news organizations ignored the fact that palestinians murdered the Fogel family.

So say what you like, but Israel needs support in the major american media, and gets very little. If Beck chooses to promote news about Israel, that seems like a good thing.