
Thursday, 14 July 2011

In Obamaville​, UP is DOWN.............from Rico

Q: Sen Ron Paul asked Ben Bernanke: "Is gold money?"
A: Benny answers: "NO."

Cool. Sure. If YOU say so, Benny. ....or, how about 'excuse me? WTF?'

- The FED is currently using gold as money with swaps for currency.
- The FED is also leasing gold for currency.
- The US Treasury/Mint is still making gold coins.
- The ROW (rest of world) seems to quite disagree with Benny....especially other Central Banks. [read: China, India, Russia, et al]

To quote John Pierpont Morgan (yes, JP hisself, a smarter money guy than our Ivory Tower 'in theory' Benyamin):
- "Gold is money. Everything else is credit."

So, the Bernankenstein would maybe prefer some nice Credit Default Swaps to bullion? Some really swell Greek bonds?
- and UP is DOWN; ignorance is strength; war is peace; and freedom is slavery.

BUT, the old expression that 'Gold is the currency of Kings, Silver of Gentlemen, and Debt of Slaves' might be a wee bit closer to the truth than our FED wants to go these days.
- Better to lie one's ass off, even if you were a Harvard professor.
- Have you figured out yet you're being lied to? Snookered? Screwed?


Rip VanBullwinkle said...

Given 0bammy's economic policies, the dollar bill will retain one distinct advantage over gold.

Have you ever tried to wipe your ass with a Krugerrand?

LifeoftheMind said...

There is no rational reason to view diamonds and gem stones as a less reliable store of wealth or medium of exchange than gold.