
Sunday, 31 July 2011

Game over...........from Rico

The proverbial "game" is already over, and while the final collapse approaches we do 'appear' to have a choice:
1. Vote for a balanced budget and voluntarily abandon further credit expansion [read: debt]
2. Raise the debt ceiling, pretend to cut far into the future (someday) and allow our currency to have a catastrophic and terminal collapse.

Guess which one has already been chosen?
The vested interests in Washington and on Wallstreet are power and wealth addicts. They will never give up their drug (debt-credit expansion) and will keep mainlining it under the delusion that "access to debt= wealth" until America OD's.

This extremely bad kabuki is merely a charade, and we all all been conned-snookered-bamboozled by our debt junkies.
- Dazzled by bullshit.

We have already been defaulting via inflation (currency deflation), and I do not see that CHANGEing, no matter how hard you HOPE it will.
- The clowns have driven us all off the cliff in their clown car...we just haven't landed yet!

Default is here. Game over. The real pain is yet to matter what they 'pretend' to do in DC (the District of Crooks).

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