
Sunday, 24 July 2011

Analysis and Updates on Norway Terror Attacks

I've got a big report analyzing the killer's political program: "Anders Behring Breivik's Manifesto."

The guy's a criminal mastermind whose "program," as written, wouldn't fit a single major established party. He's explicitly "ethno-nationalist" but rejects the racial supremacy theories of Europe's historical hard-right parties. And Breivik hopelessly romanticizes an earlier time that is simply not coming back. He's crazy in that sense. A loner, rejecting intimacy and relationships that might jeopardize his "cause." He is conservative, but again the idea that he's "far right" is ridiculous in the European context. Nazis hated Jews. He loves them as preserving the crusading anti-Islamic history of the Medieval West. Most of all, the manifesto lays out a program of terrorism using all manners of paramilitary resistance, including deployment of weapons of mass destruction (and yes, nuclear and radiological weapons).


* "Lawyer's Statement From Anders Behring Breivik."

* "Booman Tribune Endorses Norway Massacre in Demands for Economic Redistribution."

* "Key Quotes From Anders Behring Breivik's 1500-Page Manifesto."

* "#F**kYouWashington."

1 comment:

PacRim Jim said...

It obvious requires restatement:
"Nazi" is the acronym for "national socialist". Nazis were socialists, and as such were left wing.