Monday 6 June 2011

Will Anthony Weiner Resign? — UPDATED!! Weiner Will Not Resign!

Explosive new allegations today, if you will.

See, "Weiner's Roasted: Andrew Breitbart Will Trickle Congressman's Tweet Photos All Day."

UPDATED and BUMPED!! Countdown to the resignation: "Anthony Weiner Upper Body Nude Photos!"


Robert Stacy McCain has all the updates: "Anthony Weiner Press Conference UPDATE: Admits Trying to Send DM UPDATE: He Will Not Resign."


Mr Mayor said...

His wife's name is Huma Weiner. What more can we ask?

Rickvid in the Yakima Valley said...

Oh, if only his name were Schumpsky or Blauman. Or if he was not such an arrogant self-righteous prig. Then all this would have blown over in no time.

ajlounyinjurylaw said...

This guy is deep in career suicide. How can he not know that he would get busted at his indiscretions.