
Tuesday, 14 June 2011


Power play

Gates' Choice: His Damage to the All-Volunteer Force

the muslim brotherhoo​d and the death of the euro union ...

LCS: no need for 1,000 words

Impolitic « Neptunus Lex

Burkes For Saudi Arabia

We Said We Were Saving The Planet, Not The People « SOYLENT GREEN

House Panel to Weigh Subpoena Authority in 'Fast and Furious' Gun Case

Israel becoming the new petro state?

Crony Capitalism and Obama's Anti-Coal Crusade

Dude, Where's My Freedom?

Dallas Mavericks’ Dirk Nowitzki And U.S. Basketball’s De Facto Discrimination Against Whites

FBI's New Rules to Give Agents More Leeway on Surveillan​ce

Anthony Weiner’s Seventh Woman

Playwright Mamet says Brits inherently anti-Semitic

The “Dirty Little Secret Behind the Chevy Volt

Whatever happened to that $6.6 billion in cash we sent to Iraq?

Navy chief: Britain cannot keep up its role in Libya air war due to cuts

Syria: hundreds flee scorched earth tactics of Assad regime

Wind turbines switched off on 38 days every year

Syria: army pursuing 'armed gangs' in mountains near Jisr al-Shughour

Hackers break into US Senate's computer network

Libya: another member of Gaddafi regime defects

The AKP's Disappointing Victory: Erdogan Falls Short of Goal in Turkish Elections

The Socialist Phobia of Scarcity

Vicksburg Flooding June 12

Lifeboat's 'ship in trouble' was BMW on car ferry

It's time the Government made a u-turn on the defence budget

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