Sunday 8 May 2011

Video of the Day: The Story of Stars and Stripes Honor Flight



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that one was touching ... a short story ... and I'll post it as a comment on the site ...... The WW II Memorial is Washington DC was dedicated Memorial Day weekend in 1994. I had taken my Mom and Dad to a family wedding in Missouri - they were in their late 70's then -- Dad was a WWII vet but like many had not talked a whole lot about his service as we kids grew up. That morning we were getting dressed for the wedding and he just could not pull himself away from the TV coverage of the dedication. I got a flash of brilliance and asked him right then and there if he'd like to see it sometime .... and he turned and said, "Yes, I think I would". I organized a family trip for October of that year, for both him and Mom, and for my own two kids who were then in their early 20's. It turned out to be one of the best 3-day trips we ever took -- did the Smithsonian and Naval Museum as well, all focusing on his service time ... good for all of us, but mostly for him. It certainly gave him closure and opened him up. Six months later we all received a fully written account of his years of service and the affect they had on he and Mom. It's something my own kids still talk about as does Dad, now 93 and alone since Mom's passing ... but it was a significant event is his - and our - lives. What they are doing for those Vets is invaluable - the families should meet them there. Thanks for running it.