Sunday 1 May 2011

Cool Idea Catching On in Israel: Annex W. Dan Friedman

Annex W. Bank in response to unilateralism

[My only problem is, why does Israel need any pretext at all to “annex” Judea and Samaria? The Creator gave it to us, we settled there and built two Temples there centuries before the Arabs or Islam existed, and lastly, it must be clear by now that the misnamed “Palestinians” are “thorns in our sides” created ex nihilo to facilitate Israel’s destruction, so Israel will have to assimilate the Land sooner or later - if it chooses to survive.]

Dan Friedman

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The problem with annexing the West Bank is that the population of the democratic state of Israel would become largely Arab. So now the Arabs would take over just by voting. It's a losing proposition.