
Saturday, 19 March 2011

Spot the Errors..........

Found in Time magazine

H/T Patrick


LifeoftheMind said...

This is serious? Did Time™ hire a High School kid or the White House policy team (but I repeat myself) to make this up? What is dangerous is that it slaps on cool symbols like "Intel centers" and a red line so the completely gullible will think it is authoritative. Amazing what layers of fact checkers gets you.

Warthog said...

There are no Evans Class or Forrest Sherman class DD's left in service. I think the last Forrest Sherman was decommissioned in the late 70's or early 80's.

Anonymous said...

The Forest Sherman class and Evarts class were decommissioned a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

TIME magazine is full of IDIOTS! The USS Barry and USS Mason are Arleigh Burke class Aegis Destroyers. If you are going to Google or Wikipedia the ship name, PLEASE read the description - or get a copy non-WWII copy of Jane's

Cargosquid said...

With all that European fire power, the US is needed.....why?

Unknown said...

Does anyone have a link to either Time, or Reuters (since they are cited as the source) for this? Would love to send it to some friends, but need a legit link not on a blog.

Jim said...

The funny thing is there was a USS Barry that was a Forrest Sherman Class DD (DD 933, decommisioned in 1982) and there was a USS Mason that was an Evarts Class DE (DE 529, decommisioned in 1945!). The idiots DID Google the names (as I just did), they just chose the wrong ships!