This is just my short opinion on how to deal with the unions in Wisconsin:
Just a thought: When the teachers took "sick" and then went to protest, they were commiting Fraud.
They lied in order to take a payed day off - criminal Fraud.
Rarely enforced because most do not rub it in the face of the boss and when they do they are fired.
Did the Union "Solicit" this "Organized Fraud".
Solicitation of a crime carries the same penalties as the crime.
The Union leadership solicited how many counts of Fraud?
Under RICO, doesn't that make this "Organized Criminal Activity" and grounds for seizure of assets...
With each and every teacher that participated facing 1 count
and the organizers facing as many Solicitation counts as could be proven.
I would accept the resignations of each and every one of the participating teachers - in return for not criminally procecuting them.
I would ask for warrents to see the Union communication and who specifically Solicited multiple counts of Fraud.
I would freeze their assets pending determination under RICO.
As to the union dues being automatically withheld, paying a kickback to have a job is governed under "extortion".
The investigation would be grounds for the payroll side to stop all such payments or face accessory charges.
The Union and supporters have too many skeletons in the closet.
They and the politicians supporting would fold rather than face legal investigation and potential seisure of assets.
The precident would chill out the fights that are going to occur across this nation and
Any seisures would help the budget...
DJ blogs at Montrose Toast
Sunday, 20 February 2011 DJ Elliott
Theo Spark
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