Sunday 6 February 2011

Video: Iranium 90 Second Trailer

The film the iranian leaders don't want us to watch. This film will be presented on 8 February at the Heritage Foundation, Washinghton, DC.
Must watch!

H/T Filippo


1 comment:

Bill said...

It will also be shown in Ottawa, Canada, tonight 6 Feb after a controversial cancellation in January by the venue operators, Archives and Library Canada, a federal govt agency. The showing was cancelled because the facility had received threats from unknown persons, and formal complaints from the Iranian embassy. As usual such agencies, usually critical of anything Jewish and acquiescing to anything non-Western, quickly caved to the pressure.
Enter the Minister of Canadian Heritage, James Moore. He ordered that Archives reschedule the showing and stick to the date which happens to be tonight. He will attend the showing.
The Conservative government rebuffed the Iranian embassy's objections.