Sunday 6 February 2011

Obama is Opening Pandora's Dan Friedman

The Muslim Brotherhood is slipstreaming behind Egypt’s rush to Obaman “democracy” and singing its praises in order to secure themselves a seat near the head of table when the new government is formed. Better to eat you with, my dear. We will soon discover why Mubarak had them outlawed, and why it wasn’t such a bad idea.

Brotherhood Presses Demands in Egypt Talks

1 comment:

Atlanta Roofing said...

While the Brotherhood may be just playing nice for political reasons, isn't it possible that the situation in Egypt is a good thing? Isn't an active, awakened, not passive, and not stagnant Muslim and Arab world a good thing for the world? Doesn't this take the wind out of the sales of Al Qaida and others (including the Brotherhood) who point to the corrupt, anti-democratic governments, and say they are the only alternative?
I don't know the answer, but I do believe in democracy and letting people chose their own fate.