Friday 4 February 2011


Attention recruiters ...

Eco-bulbs linked to breast cancer

Useful Idiot and Racist Meghan McCain

I Have Attained Civility...

Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, Feb. 3rd

How inflation is turning breakfast into a luxury item

US seizes sports piracy websites before Super Bowl

Public servant sacked for Googling 'knockers' at home

Extraterrestrials now live among us in China and in U.S.A., newspapers report

Who Tossed Egypt (to the Wolves)?

Solar Thermal Energy Development: BrightSource Israel

Why wine drinking and monogamy go together

Get Internet Access When Your Government Shuts It Down

Muslim Brotherhoods Penetration of the Obama Administration

What About Global Warming?

U.S. Forest Service takes political correctness to a new level-Only in America

No Easy Fixes as Internet Runs Out of Addresses

Reliable forecast under the weather

Egypt: The American Debate Has Gone Stark, Raving Crazy

House Republicans move to slash domestic programs

Kennedy link to the Cape's wild turkey?

Obama Theatens Climate Veto

British Police Afraid of Local Kids, Soon to Come to the USA?

Apple iPad enters the House of Lords

Defence Minister Liam Fox slams Germany and Italy for failing to do their bit in war in Afghanistan

Barack Obama may rue the day he decided to abandon Mubarak

Amazon rainforest 'could start contributing to global warming after droughts'

Cyber attacks: from Facebook to nuclear weapons

Iran could produce two nuclear bombs within two years

Revolution Is Bad for Business: No Quick Fix for Arab Youth's Economic Woes

Myanmar picks junta's PM as new president

and finally......

An obvious answer to our electric dreams
by little Jimmy May

The Part They Never Show You in Cartoons

The 10 biggest degenerate Super Bowl-winning quarterbacks

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