
Monday, 17 January 2011

Second Psycho Involved in Tucson Dan Friedman

It seems one of the people that Jared Loughner wounded, Eric Fuller, got the memo that links the rampage to Sarah Palin and the Tea Party, but never got the memo about the need for “civility” going forward. At a town hall meeting being taped for a special edition of ABC's "This Week," Fuller took a photo of the Tea Party representative and yelled: "you're dead." Fuller was hauled off by police and arrested on misdemeanor disorderly conduct and threat charges, and then taken to a hospital to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.

Which only goes to prove that in the process of bearing false witness and recklessly spinning yarns from straw, the Leftards in the legacy media and their counterparts on the Web have created a real “climate of hate” which could be haunting us for years. More details right here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But, but he apologized today, he apolgized!!!! So everything is better!!! He spread some balm on the burn. He apologized!! In the lefty world THATS all thats needed. And if you continue to talk about the poor wounded man like you have, then you are spreadin' da hate!!!

Oh, there is much gnashing of teeth and clothes tearing because you right winged facist just don't understand the rules of leftism!!!!

He apologized......

snirk, snirk, gag, cough....excuse me I just threw something up in my throat.
