
Wednesday, 5 January 2011

BOHICA - A cautionary tale...........from Rico

Consider this a cautionary tale for Americans. Let's call it B.O.H.I.C.A.*

Chavez's Venezuela recently "revalued" (downward) its currency.

The Governments of Argentina, Bulgaria, Fwance, Hungary and Ireland have all completed or begun private "pension" grabs, seeing a large pool of untapped funds to help solve their immediate problems (cash-poor and spend-thrift).

"Bbbbbbbbbb-but!" I hear you saying....U.S. Lawmakers regard the personal wealth-money-well being of Americans as sancrosanct (sacred for Democrat supporters)!
Just like they respect and value our thoughts and opinions.

Get ready to grab your ankles and cheerily shout "BOHICA!!!!!!!!"
- If you want some KY, that'll be an extra charge.

*Rumored to have been coined as a term shortly after the first Congress convened, but certainly practiced diligently by Congress-critters upon the voting public ever since then, BOHICA may also have been the first Governmental acronym. It means Bend Over Here It Comes Again.


tom said...

Don't worry, the blood eventually acts as a lubricant.

Anonymous said...

Due to the 112th CONgress...

Bless Our Home It's Clean Again????