Saturday 14 August 2010

How Close Is Close Enough?

I'm still astounded that idiots like Charles Johnson make the unbeatably peurile argument that the mosque is "two blocks away from Ground Zero." It's really not a matter if distance. It's the symbolism. Still, how close is close enough? A landing gear away?

September 11 Landing Gear

Above photo: A piece of the landing gear that crashed into the building of the proposed Ground Zero mega mosque. The only reason that building was sold for only 4.87 millions dollars (to an NYC waiter, Sharif El-Gamal) for such a distressed price was because of the damage from the 911 attack. That building is a war memorial, a piece of American history. The 911 attack on America continues unabated.


Interesting that the anti-Semitic demonizers at Firedoglake make the same argument repeatedly, and here's the latest:
The Cordoba House, actively fearmongered by the right wing, has become a lightning rod for criticism across the country. In a recent poll, nearly 70% of all Americans oppose the construction of the Islamic Center, which has been falsely called a “Ground Zero mosque” (there’s a place of worship inside the Islamic Center, but it’s mainly a kind of YMCA for the Muslim community. And, it’s not on Ground Zero, but near it).
RELATED: Actually, looks like this is all too close for comfort for President Hussein. He stupidly threw fuel on the fire this morning. See, "Obama Says Mosque Remarks Were Not Endorsement":
President Obama said Saturday that in defending the right of Muslims to build a community center and mosque near ground zero in Lower Manhattan, he was “not commenting on the wisdom” of that project, but rather trying to uphold the broader principle that government should treat “everyone equal, regardless” of religion.

Mr. Obama, who was visiting the Gulf Coast with his wife and youngest daughter for an overnight stay, made his comments at the Coast Guard district station here.

On Friday night, he used the White House iftar, a sunset dinner celebrating the Muslim holiday of Ramadan, to weigh in on the mosque controversy.

In clarifying his remarks, Mr. Obama was apparently seeking to address criticism that he was using his presidential platform to promote a project that has aroused the ire of many New Yorkers. White House officials said earlier Saturday that Mr. Obama was not trying to promote that particular project, but rather sought to make a broader statement about freedom of religion and American values.

Later in the day, the White House press office elaborated further, issuing yet another statement.

“Just to be clear, the president is not backing off in any way from the comments he made last night,” it said.
Right. "Not backing off." Got it.

More at Memeorandum. See especially John Hinderaker on the left's unhinged terror apologists, "
Obama's Finest Moment?":

Greg Sargent is a left-winger who worked for Editor & Publisher magazine. When that publication went broke, he caught on as a blogger at the Washington Post. Today he hailed President Obama's endorsement of Cordoba House as "One of the finest moments of Obama's presidency." That's damning with faint praise, some would say, but it is interesting to follow Sargent's logic. He agrees with us that Obama intended his remarks to be taken as a strong endorsement of the Ground Center mosque:

Obama didn't just stand up for the legal right of the group to build the Islamic center. He voiced powerful support for their moral right to do so as well, casting it as central to American identity. ... Obama went much further than [to acknowledge the legal rights of the project's backers]. He asserted that we must "welcome" and "respect" those of other faiths, suggesting that the group behind the center deserves the same, and said flat out that anything less is un-American.

I think that fairly sums up Obama's remarks. Sargent contrasts Obama's enthusiasm with the Cordoba House's reception on the right:

Many opponents of the project have been employing a clever little dodge. They say they don't question the group's legal right to build it under the Constitution. Rather, they say, they're merely criticizing the group's decision to do so, on the grounds that it's insensitive to 9/11 families and will undercut the project's goal of reconciliation. The group has the right to build the center, runs this argument, but they are wrong to exercise it.

That, too, fairly sums up our position and that of many conservatives. But why is this a "clever little dodge"? Does Sargent believe that everything a person has a legal right to do is a good thing? He never addresses any of the facts that cause critics of the Cordoba House project to believe that it is a bad idea: the cultural center's proposed location adjacent to Ground Zero; the fact that it is named after the capital of the Muslim caliphate in Spain; the fact that the person most closely identified with the project, Abdul Rauf, blamed the U.S. for the September 11 attacks; the curious reticence of the project's front men to explain where the $100 million needed for the cultural center will come from; and the plethora of mosques already available in New York at locations other than Ground Zero.

I've added the bold highlighting at the quote. Idiot leftists rarely discuss why the public has problems with this, and notice that part about "the cultural center's proposed location adjacent to Ground Zero..."

I noted previously how the Mega Mosque controversy was becoming a central political issue at the time of the 9th anniversary of 9/11. President Hussein has guaranteed that it'll be one of the top election issues in November as well.

Cross-posted from American Power.

In Solidarity: Lunch-Bucket Americans Against Ground Zero Mosque

Via Tammy Bruce:


Ronald Brownstein referred to "lunch-bucket" Americans in a recent piece on Democratic Party weaknesses: "Dems Face Losses In Blue-Collar Districts: The House districts of the late John Murtha and retiring David Obey are lunch-bucket Democratic seats that may turn Republican in the fall."

I'm still trying to figure out the upside for the Democrats and the Ground Zero Mega Mosque. It's not popular. Obama would have been better off just staying away from that debate, especially in an election year: "
CNN (!) Poll: Close to 70% of Americans Oppose the Ground Zero Mosque."

RELATED: Check William Kristol's post, "
No, Mr. President" (via Memeorandum), and the link to Power Line. Also, "9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong America":
Barack Obama has abandoned America at the place where America’s heart was broken nine years ago, and where her true values were on display for all to see. Since that dark day, Americans have been asked to bear the burden of defending those values, again and again and again. Now this president declares that the victims of 9/11 and their families must bear another burden. We must stand silent at the last place in America where 9/11 is still remembered with reverence or risk being called religious bigots.
Cross-posted from American Power.

Saturday Night is Bath Night..........

Ad: We Don't Do That :15 - Philly Cheesesteak Burger at Carl's Jr.


He's left Alaska - we're guessing he's somewhere in the Pacific Northwest . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . STORMBRINGER

Cartoon Round Up....


1970 Mercedes Unimog DOKA 416

H/T Canis 61


H/T Pete H

Video: First Tandem Paragliding Infinite Tumble


2011 Ram Outdoorsman Launches, Mopar Adds RamBox Holster

H/T Paul B

Today's Weather is..........

Quote of the Day

Hugo Rifkind writes on the Labour Leadership contest…
“They’re having the leadership contest that none of them had the guts to have two years ago; promising to do all the things they didn’t do when they could have actually done them.”


A Couple of Boat Names..........

H/T Mark W

Video: Gene Simmons Military Tribute in Iraq

This is a must see

H/T Gary P

Movie Review: Paths of Glory (1957)

Short Review: Usually, "anti-war" means "anti-thought". This film is the exception.

Full Review Here


Day 36 – August 14th 1940

The First Un-American President

Guide to the Perplexed

Swing Away, Mr. President
Golf all you want, sir.

Russian nuclear agency says Iran's first nuclear plant will start getting fuel next week

Canadian Navy Boards Refugee Ship Said to Be Carrying Tamil Tigers Members

Can You Tell Which Government Spending Projects Are Real or Fake? – Video

Miss Universe Organization Slammed for Contestants' Topless Photo Shoot

Savings accounts will become 'obsolete'

Dr David Kelly was on a hitlist, says UN weapons expert

Police receive bonuses just for doing their daily job

Armed pirates kidnap captain and crew member off coast of Nigeria

Dung hurling and sabotage in camel war

Lord of the Rings: sheep take over The Shire on New Zealand film set

Thieves use breasts to distract victim

Helicopters to be scrapped amid defence spending cuts

Whitehall's generals will go in the cuts

Goodluck Jonathan 'has right to contest Nigerian election'

Zero Tolerance in the Fight against ETA

Video: The Hubble Ultra Deep Field in 3D

H/T DucSup

Video: Steve Bridges as George W. Bush, Barack Obama & Bill Clinton

ALSO Steve Bridges as "President Barack Obama"

H/T Maurice

NewsBusted 8/13/10

Saturday Totty

Obama Defends Plan for Mosque Near Ground Zero — 'Friends of Terror' Attend White House Ramadan Dinner

At Wall Street Journal (via Daily Caller):


WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama defended the plan to build a mosque near the site of the 2001 terror attacks in New York, telling Muslim guests at a Ramadan dinner at the White House that the nation's commitment to freedom of religion "must be unshakable.''

The White House has been wary of entering this debate, and I can't see how this is going to help Obama politically. Emotions are just too raw. It would take time, but folks might want to
go down the list of those attending the Ramadan dinner and figure out how much support Obama's got in the Islamist jihad community. I mean seriously. The very first name I checked (with no prior familiarity) is Ms. Dalia Mogahed, who is Director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies. But as Jihad Watch points out, "Obama's Muslim adviser Dalia Mogahed 'is herself an Islamic ideologue who supports Islamic Sharia'." And the link there is to Nonie Darwish, "Appeasing the Muslim Brotherhood." Also, checking another name, Mr. Salam Al Marayati of Muslim Public Affairs Council, it turns out that Al Marayati and his group are "Friends of Terror." That piece links to "Marayati Suggested Israel Carried Out 9/11 Attacks," which reads:
Salam Al-Marayati, head of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), which has praised the Hezbollah terrorist group —which is on the U.S. terrorist list— and publicly called for Israel’s destruction, has been invited to deliver a lecture at the State Department’s “Secretary’s Open Forum” on January 28, 2002.

Ironically, Marayati is scheduled to speak on “Rising Voices of Moderate Muslims”—even though his voice is the voice of a Muslim extremist, and his disgraceful attempt to blame Israel for the September 11 attacks was a bizarre effort to divert attention from the real perpetrators of these heinous acts, who were all Muslim extremists.
Well there you go, and that's just a couple of those in attendance at the White House Iftar dinner on Ramadan. And check Pamela's post, "Obama Backs 911 Ground Zero Mega Mosque at Ramadan Celebration":
Obama came out for the Islamic supremacist mosque at the hallowed ground of 911 attack. He has, in effect, sided with the Islamic jihadists and told the ummah (at an Iftar dinner on the third night of Ramadan, of course) that he believes in and supports a triumphal mosque on the cherished site of Islamic conquest.

If you had any doubt who Obama stood with on 911, there can be no doubt in our minds now
Warner Todd Huston offers an analysis of the speech. But by now the lid's totally blown off the scam. The administration has turned its back on defending this country from Islamic jihad.

Cross-posted from American Power.

Friday 13 August 2010

Sylvester Stallone in London

London, England

Theo Spark's favourite presenter, Claire Bueno in London's Leicester Square at the Premiere of the Expendables with Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren and Jason Statham. Enjoy..........

'People Were Coming Down Burning'

At MAinfo, "September 11th Was NOT About 'Optics' as Kos Kook Says":

What a bunch of whiny, immature fools write over at the Daily Kos. They are upset because our memories of 9/11 get in the way of their progressive agenda. And by minimizing that happened that day, they hope to get beyond it. But they only succeed in exposing themselves for the foolish babies that they are. We learned lessons that day. We continue to grieve as a nation. And we will never, never forget.
I'll take that further: The Kos Kreeps are genuinely evil. (The Firedog Freaks are just as bad.) People were coming down burning. The thuds of their bodies slamming down churn anguish in your soul. No, we won't forget, and we won't stop fighting moral degeneracy, at home and abroad.

RELATED: Charles Krauthammer, "Sacrilege at Ground Zero." And all the deranged leftist responses at Memeorandum.

Cross-posted from American Power.

Story of the Day............

This is amazing

Judy, the dogged PoW who defied the Japanese

Bedtime Totty.............

Cartoon Round Up....

Video: Gio Helps Gwent Police...Be Aware! Lock up to Beat the Burglars

At least it's a bit more useful than those bloody insurance ads.


Caption Time.........


If you know the identity of this mystery woman . . .

. . . please go to

Video: P51 Mustang "Jumpin Jacques" Eastbourne Airshow 2010.

Todays Weather Is.........

H/T Guyism

This would do it..........

Who can put out Russia's wildfires?

H/T Rich

Welcome to Hartlepool.........

Workers paint line over squashed hedgehog


Click to enlarge
H/T Paul

Movie Review: 'Wolfman'

Short Review: If you want to see people torn to pieces by a frenzied animal, you've found your movie.

Full Review Here

French foreplay: Dinner, wine, sex!
Italian foreplay: Dinner, wine, caressing, sex!
Latino foreplay: Dinner, wine, dancing, caressing, sex!
Scottish foreplay: "Haw, ye awake?"

H/T Bootneck

Video: Andrew Klavan: A Young Person's Guide to the United States Constitution

H/T Infidel Joe


Gaza Humanitarian Crisis

The Fed [ownership. plus...].....from Rico

The "Fed" (our private national banking system) purchases paper notes from the US Mint at the cost of printing, then lends the money to the USG and the US public at face value PLUS interest through their member banks. The profits (and they are HUGE) go to the private shareholder's of the "Fed." The US public receives no benefit, but is 'on the hook' to repay the principal and interest accumulated by the USG.

As a 'connected' private bank, the "Fed" has never been audited. It pays NO taxes. FOIA...the Freedom of Information Act does NOT apply to the "Fed."

The top eight owners of the "Fed" are:
1. Rothschild's of London & Berlin
2. Lazard Brothers of Paris
3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy
4. Kuhn, Loeb & Co of Germany & NY
5. Warburg & Co of Hamburg, Germany
6. Lehman Brothers of NY
7. Goldman Sachs of NY
8. Rockefeller Brothers of NY


Day 35 – August 13th 1940

Week 5 Summary – Adler Tag is Launched

The EPA Must Be Stopped!

Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, Aug. 12th

"My Dad's In Iraq..."

Shoulder-Fired Missiles an Ever-Present Threat to U.S. Planes

The WikiLeaks Hoax, Part I

China’s Eyes in the Skies

Remotest mainland pub up for sale

France rounds up hundreds of Roma

The Point of No Return

Police crack down on mobility scooter mayhem as drunk and drug-driving pensioners become 8 mph menace to society

Meet Britain's first wild-born beaver in 400 years

We clip the wings of the RAF at our peril

EU ambassador: I'll speak for Britain in America

Silk 'invisibility cloak' created by scientists

The stunning decline of Barack Obama: 10 key reasons why the Obama presidency is in meltdown

Florida's proposed immigration law goes further than Arizona

Turkey Accused of Using Chemical Weapons against PKK

Something in the Gulf Smells and it’s not the Deepwater Horizon Blowout

Why the US is as busted as a busted flush

and finally.......

The 7 greatest Internet hoaxes

Red Friday Totty...........

News Bits......

Click to enlarge

Video: BBMF Hurricane Low Pass. Eastbourne Airbourne 2010.

Billy Idol Rocks Pechanga!

Full post with commentary, pics and video at American Power.

Thursday 12 August 2010

Reason TV: Afraid to Create Jobs: Brian Calle on Why Businesses Aren't Hiring

Bedtime Totty...........


Cartoon Round Up....


Help spread the word . . . this guy's a MAYOR . . .

. . . and yes you guessed it, he's a DEMOCRAT . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . STORMBRINGER

Video: Barack the angry negro.

H/T 45 Govt

Bonus Babe..........

This might be "news" to some......from Rico

This actually might be "news" to some folks.

The name was artfully, the trappings and inferences equally misleading, as a result most who do not pay close attention actually think that the "Fed" is part of our Federal Government.
It is NOT.
The Federal Reserve Bank is privately held. Very privately. Few even know who the ultimate beneficial owners of the Fed are (the Rotschild family and a few other hugley wealthy banking families).
While it could be argued today that our Government is a part of the Fed, truth-be-told the FED IS A PRIVATE BANK!

The US Dollar (look at one, it says Federal Reserve Note on the face of it) is the Private Federal Reserve Currency which has become the basis for our current financial system, and much global trade.

Pray along with Benjamin. Pray very hard. This system is fast unraveling...