
Saturday, 4 December 2010

Video of the Day: Gylne Tider - Let It Be

This is a music video that promotes the Norwegian television entertainment program "Golden Times". It is brilliant.


DJMoore said...

I've seen this in several places, usually with somewhat derisive comments directed at the performers or the show it advertises.

But you convinced me to watch, and I'm glad I did.

"Let It Be" is one of my favorite hymns, as hymn I believe it to be.

thehawkreturns said...

It isn't brilliant. It is a good song -the original version is much better - but essentially this is a bunch of celebrities singing and pretending to sing the song in front of a blue screen.

Cheap tat.

Rob De Witt said...

That is without question the most pathetic display I have ever had the misfortune to witness.