Part of das Hopenchange consists of ignoring reality, and 'inconvenient' portions of the US Constitution.
- Second Amendment? The right to protect your life isn't your right, it is a privilege to be granted or taken away by our political uberclass.
- Fourth Amendment? Hahahahahaha....our current regime wiped their asses with that one via an over-reaching bureaucracy laughingly known as TSA. And now TSA wants to unionize. That'll be a great boon to our safety.....just like Detroit's UAW was for GM and Chrysler!
Fixing the economy with TARP, QE-1, and now QE-2. That'll sure work! When QE-2 is through, the U.S. money supply will have tripled in three years! The results? Not good, and they'll get worse.
Fixing our Healthcare system via Obamacare was another idiotic big-gooberment scheme. Yeah, nationalize medical care....that'll work well! Doctors are so thrilled we 'fixed' Medicare with this plan, that they are 'celebrating' not seeing Medicare patients and instead choosing private-paying patients thanks to the Obamacare mechanism reducing medicare payments to physicians 23% effective Dec 1st. Yay!
- Central government solves yet another problem!!!
Obama-Soetoro is well on his way to eclipse James Earl Carter as the absolute worst President evah!!!! This is no small task, mind you:
- After Jimmy Carter nationalized energy policy under the Department of Energy (which was publicly promoted to 'fix' our dependence on foreign energy sources), pretty much ensuring our increased dependence upon foreign oil, he similarly 'fixed' the education system by creating the Department of Education, and our teachers unionized (NEA? anybody...anybody...) the public is now too dumbed-down to even 'know' they have any rights beyond the kollective.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
4th Amendment..........from Rico
Theo Spark
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