
Saturday, 9 October 2010

Let Me Drive!

Palestinians doing what Palestinians do...throwing rocks at innocent motorists in Jerusalem.

We will have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us. ~ Golda Meir

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Anonymous said...

The best part of the video is that the driver of the car that hit the Arab rock thrower was an Arab too!

Stupid Arabs!

Neural said...

If that'd happen more often here in the US, we'd not have problems with groups like the enviro-nuts that infiltrate Critical Mass, or tree huggers blocking roadways, etc.
Freedom of speech protects people from the government, it doesn't mean they won't get run over by a private citizen.

Anonymous said...

As a human I hate to see something like that.
As a HUMANITARIAN...that spawn of those psychotic despots deserved that.


PacRim Jim said...

When someone's hit by a car, the first thing you do is manhandle them into a car, twisting and compressing every possible fracture. Even (especially?) Palestinians are subject to Mr. Darwin's laws.

Anonymous said...

How brave of the adult "photo-journalists" and P.A media relations people to send little boys into harms way because they need a photo propaganda opportunity.

Those people are vile pigs. Golda Meir was spot on.

Lester304 said...

After they prove they are not afraid of cars, they graduate to suicide vest.

Anonymous said...

so why are you throwing the rocks Bitches?

Mark said...

They might be throwing rocks because they are punks... or maybe it has something to do with what they have been taught since birth.

Robin said...

Like so much of the Palestinian circus there seems to be more photographers than "activists".