Friday 13 August 2010

The Fed [ownership. plus...].....from Rico

The "Fed" (our private national banking system) purchases paper notes from the US Mint at the cost of printing, then lends the money to the USG and the US public at face value PLUS interest through their member banks. The profits (and they are HUGE) go to the private shareholder's of the "Fed." The US public receives no benefit, but is 'on the hook' to repay the principal and interest accumulated by the USG.

As a 'connected' private bank, the "Fed" has never been audited. It pays NO taxes. FOIA...the Freedom of Information Act does NOT apply to the "Fed."

The top eight owners of the "Fed" are:
1. Rothschild's of London & Berlin
2. Lazard Brothers of Paris
3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy
4. Kuhn, Loeb & Co of Germany & NY
5. Warburg & Co of Hamburg, Germany
6. Lehman Brothers of NY
7. Goldman Sachs of NY
8. Rockefeller Brothers of NY


bee eye said...

this is all just anti-semitic drivel, I thought your site was above this kind of crazy ranting.
In case you REALLY want to know who owns the Fed read this

LifeoftheMind said...

bee eye is correct and his link looks good to me.

Theo you should have taken one look at that stuff and flagged it as needing research at the least. It cites Lehman Brothers for God's sake. That alone should have been a clue it was disconnected from reality.

Anonymous said...

Not quite correct, Fed profits after their expenses goes back to the Treasury. Of course they are not audited so they can have outrageous expense accounts and such, but majority of their gains go back into Treasury coffers.