
Sunday, 4 July 2010

San Juan Capistrano Tea Party in the O.C.!

A Saturday pre-July 4th rally ...

Over at my place, "
San Juan Capistrano Tea Party, July 3, 2010."


And what was unusual was the run-in I had with some progressive America- and Israel-bashers. From my post:
I was distracted from some of the speakers by a group of radicals that was hanging out by the street. Members were engaged in discussion with a very attentive and patient conservative woman. I roamed nearby for a few minutes. Soon I heard one of the young men discussing Israel. He was arguing that Palestinans in Gaza lived in squalor, etc. I listened further. When he began arguing that Israel had no "Biblical right to occupy Palestianian lands." I couldn't remain silent. I told him that's not true. I said first Israel wasn't "occupying" the land, and secondly, the Jewish people have a biblical claim on Israel going back to before Exodus in the Old Testament. The fellow got agitated and walked toward me, calling me a "fool" for speaking out. I said to him: "Why are you calling me names? I'm simply rejecting your claim that Israel is 'occupying' the land ..." He seemed to mellow after that, and I imagine we could have conversed reasonably for a while. He said, for example, that he wanted "a two state solution" in the Middle East. So I asked him if he supported Hamas? He said, "No, I'm against violence, a peace activist." I told him that's exactly what the folks on the Gaza flotilla said. He told me he rejected the violence, and I said, "then we're in agreement." Basically, call these folks out on propaganda and if they're amicable, you might be able to get through a bit.


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