
Friday, 14 May 2010

Video: 'Meltup'..............from Rico

You need 54 minutes to watch the entire video. I think it is worth watching (but then I think Rogers, Faber and Celenta are worth listening to, and do not think any of the financial media, MSM, or our politicians are worth listening to..there you have it).

Most, if not all, of the content 'tracks' with information I have seen elsewhere/found in other sources...none of them involved ABC-CBS-NBC or CNN et al.

Some of this is very bad news, but what you don't like and/or don't know will hurt you anyway.


Nozzle said...


You are obviously a Ron Paulnut...This is a man who once accused Bush Sr of conspiring with the CIA to sell drugs...He is a fanatical lunatic...While I agree with your mantra that our government is over-spending by tens of trillions your constant doom-saying gets tiresome...We are in bad shape but frankly so is most of the world...China may be rich in your eyes but while the average chinese makes a few hundred dollars per year, I still don't want to move to China...We are wrapped in a symbiotic relationship with China. We want cheap goods and they want our markets...Neither of us are prepared to go elsewhere for their really is no elsewhere. Thanks for playing

Eskyman said...

Hmmm. Previous commenter must have seen a different video than I did.

As to Meltup: Thanks for a refreshingly candid view of what's coming down the pipes. I hadn't really realized what is going to happen when interest rates do rise as they must- and then all those people (like me!) who have a few thousand $$ credit-card debt, who are just getting by now with minimum repayments, are going to be devastated by the much higher rates that will come.

And then voila! Miss one payment, on ANY credit card, and then ALL of them reckon you're in default, and good-bye to the cheap interest deal you've been taking advantage of. So now your repayment goes from 4.9% to 21.5% or so- and suddenly you're in deep trouble.

Wakeup call, for those with eyes open, and again- thanks for posting it!