Sunday 2 May 2010

Captured "garbage truck" from Gaza...........

The truck is set up to fire Kasem rockets and then drive off innocently.
The note pasted on the drivers door says "In case of traffic violations, please contact The Palestinian Authority."

H/T Shelly


Brian said...

If reported at all* this photo would be be headlined "Israeli Army puts Palestinian Children's Health At Risk By Preventing Rubbish Collection" by the "liberal" media.

*because the Palestinians are always innocent victims

Anonymous said...

This photo is clearly propaganda,

Look underneath the truck bed behind the supposed missle launch openings.

Do you see any tubes or racks to hold rockets?

This is obviously not a rocket launching vehicle.

Israel is supposed to be a close US ally - how many Israel soldiers are in Iraq or Afghanistan now helping us or NATO?

Thank's right, the answer is NONE ! ! !

US tax dollars support BOTH Israel and Palestine.

richard mcenroe said...

Moron. How many racks do you need to hold SINGLE SHOT launchers. Thus is not a damned GAZ Katyusha truck, it's an ambush vehicle.