
Saturday, 15 May 2010

Anything The French Can Do, We Can Do Better

"The French word apéritif, or apéro for short, has always seemed an elegant way of talking about a civilized drink before dinner. But since last August, young people in France have put a whole new spin on it by staging what they call apéros géants. These enormous binges bring together thousands of kids at a time in one city center after another, all over the country, all summoned together on Facebook.

"While the French are known to take the party to the street on special occasions, such as the upcoming Fête de la musique, these apéros géants crop up randomly, organized and publicized only by a Facebook event page. Rather than a celebration with a cause, it seems they are just an excuse to party.

Pic "Entre deux maux, il faut choisir le moindre" avec Grand Satan M'dam'selle

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