
Sunday 4 April 2010

Us vs. Them

Candidates of the Restoration?

It is axiomatic among criminal defense attorneys that if your client is a Them, he's goin' down; if he's an Us, you got 'er made. ALL human beings cotton to an us; steer wide of a them. Watch yourself next time you got shopping. That's what you'd do on a jury, O Ye Fair-minded Soul!

Via American Digest a most instructive piece from Wretchard: Reason to Believe --

"So why do smart people believe in dumb things? The author Scott Peck claimed that intelligence was no defense against foolishness, especially where belief was concerned. The intelligent were perhaps even more vulnerable than the simple precisely because they believed themselves to be immune when in fact they were not. All a cult leader had to do was flash his neon sign in the middle of a spiritual night and the vainglorious moths would come in their thousands, beating their wings against the electrified screen. If you built it, they would come. And whether the goals of the belief joint were Helter-Skelter, alien abduction or the Workers Paradise, these temples of the night would do a land-office business and all be built in the same way. All of them would have:

"1. A charismatic leader demanding total authority at their center. From him would radiate authority through an elect group of followers. This is inevitable since power does not spring from the institution, but rather from the personal divinity of the god at its center.
2. Controlling techniques harnessing shame, guilt and peer pressure to bring dissidents to heel. Within a cult are only hymns of praise and condemnations of the wicked. Deviation from dogma would be treated as a moral failing; sin or blasphemy against a sacred leader and his goals.
3. Self-isolation from the world. Cults constitute little universes unto themselves; closed hermetic societies, where the “us” faces out against the “them”.
4. Extremist or fanatical behavior. In a cult excess is normal. Activity is frenzied, every emotion is at the highest pitch. People act as if possessed because time is short. The long awaited moment is at hand.
5. Secrecy and deception. Routine documents are concealed. Inquiries are treated with suspicion. Associations, personal histories, financial records, decisions — all go behind a firewall. Nothing is transparent."

Other folks who saw the emptiness of our times as it was appearing on the horizon: Carl Jung, Eric Hoffer, C.S. Lewis, Erich Fromm, Wilhelm Roepke, Hoh River Boy.

Not All Robots are Zombies

Collectivist Catechisms


robot said...

Thanks for the link! You have a great blog.

Alex G said...

One of my favorite albums of all time. Hard to believe this is the same guy that did "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy"!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, guys.