
Friday 9 April 2010

Blogging For Business Success

London, England

About 80 years ago, the late great Henry Ford famously remarked to a colleague that he knew that 50% of his advertising budget worked. Which 50% he didn't know! I don't suppose things have changed that much in the intervening years. What I can tell you is that social media as a marketing tool, up to a point, does work.
Earlier today, I received a call from someone who had seen my new showreel and wants me to host an event later this year. I think the key here is patience!

Jeremy Jacobs Latest Blog Post 4.9.2010


Dave said...

John Wanamaker

Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.

Quite the businessman -- developed the first true department store.

And if you are musically inclined:

Jeremy Jacobs said...

Thanks Dave