Friday 5 March 2010

Video: Fox Red Eye: Gutfeld Guffaws Over Dylan Ratigan's Crazy Ranting

Found at Nice Deb

H/T Infidel Joe


Not a sheep said...

Phil Silvers is looking good for his age!

tom said...

But I AM a racist homophobic neo-nazi baby eater and gun owner, hence my membership in the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership and occasional even grudging agreement with the ACLU on some issues. It couldn't be more obvious than my lack of swastika tattoos, could it? I'm a card carrying John Bircher though, and I hear that as a member of JBS, I very well might be a baby-raper and a lynch mob instigant as well as anti-Catholic, which is why our local chapter president is a Catholic...I also socialize with an Anglican priest, so I guess I hate them too? So many people to hate and so little time, pardon my slacking.

Allen said...

yes all us nazi KKK members... right..they always do this..

if I'm such a damn antisemite why do half my guns get purchased from Jay Simkin (the author of Lethal Laws) he lives a few towns over!

it's call "throw everything you can and hope something sticks"

this idiot ratigan needs to be FIRED. but hey we're talking about MSNBC where they can call tea partiers racists..and they don't get called onto the carpet for it...

of course, MSNBC is slowly sinking below the waves and this may just be the sound of the boilers exploding LOL