
Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Self-inflicted wound..........from Rico

Even if the doorknobs in Washington are clueless (or pretend to be), on some level most of us know that a day of reckoning is almost at hand.

It's been a really swell party, but the bill for it is about to come due. No dine-n-dash can outrun the economic death spiral we are currently in.
Q: How did this happen?

The US has spent trillions of future generations dollars PLUS piled up phenomenal levels of household, corporate, and government debt.

It's not just the USG, but millions of individual Americans that have been living beyond their means for many years.
- This has been building since the 1960's.
- This has been self-inflicted. No one held a gun to America's collective head (well, not until Congress of late, anyway) and forced them to drive Lexus cars and live in McMansions, etc.
- In fairness, how can you expect people too stupid to balance their own checkbooks to try and control Washington's thieving politicians, much less understand that electing Marxists to run the country is economic suicide?

The damage has already been done. This situation is unsustainable. The party is nearly over.
- I think I see the concierge heading this way with the bill.....

This is gonna hurt!!!!!

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