It is a Swedish M96 Mauser sitting on a glass mug on what appears to be a kitchen/bathroom counter whose outlets are not GFI rated. BTW, The Brass Disks were installed on the stock in 1941after the Swedes adopted the m/94/41, 6.5 x 55mm cartridge. The disks are in 3 sections. Largest section represents bore erosion, the 2nd largest told the shooter how much sighting allowance for the new cartridge as they were originally sighted for the m/94 cartridge. The smallest section shows a number 0 thru 4 which specifys the condition of the bore. "0" is almost new, '1" slightly worn, "2" moderately worn, "3" serviceable, "4" barrel sould be replaced.
Don't forget to replace the outlets with GFI rated ones. I can see the edge of a stainless steel sink on the right.
Swedish Mauser, probably a 96.
with a barrel that long it will never make weight!
Looks like Chilean Model 1895 Mauser
Can't see the safety on the bolt to be sure.
Mosin-Nagant? Not sure of model. 31?
Swedish Mauser 1896 in 6.5x55 fitted with an aftermarket scope and mount.
"It's a rifle, Hughs."
1.) a bridge over troubled waters?
2.) a mug shot
3.) a 2nd amendment plug
Not the expert, but that looks like a Mauser K98 with a telescopic sight on it. Apologizes if I'm wrong.
Looks like a Carl Gustafs Swedish Mauser Model 1896...or just Swedish Mauser
It is a Swedish M96 Mauser sitting on a glass mug on what appears to be a kitchen/bathroom counter whose outlets are not GFI rated. BTW, The Brass Disks were installed on the stock in 1941after the Swedes adopted the m/94/41, 6.5 x 55mm cartridge. The disks are in 3 sections. Largest section represents bore erosion, the 2nd largest told the shooter how much sighting allowance for the new cartridge as they were originally sighted for the m/94 cartridge. The smallest section shows a number 0 thru 4 which specifys the condition of the bore. "0" is almost new, '1" slightly worn, "2" moderately worn, "3" serviceable, "4" barrel sould be replaced.
Don't forget to replace the outlets with GFI rated ones. I can see the edge of a stainless steel sink on the right.
This rifle looks like a CARL GUSTAFS M/41 B, 6.5 X 55mm, with a scope.
model 1898 Swedish Mauser
i dont know, but can i have it?
Mauser of some ilk.... that someone has "sporterized with a scope, and, it appears, removing some of the hand guard.
M-96 Swedish Mauser in 6.5x55 SWEDE. Adaopted in 1896. Made in the Carl Gustaf Armory under license.
It appears to be a Mauser KAR 98K with a scope on it
96 Swedish Mauser Sniper Rifle?
Let me rephrase.. 6.5x55 '96 Swedish Mauser with a Leupold scope in a B Square no gunsmithing scope mount... Nice rifle.
Mosin Nagant "sniper" rifel.
Swedish M41B Sniper Rifle or some variation thereof.
Looks like a Mauser Karabiner 98 Kurz in 7.92x57mm IS with a modified stock.
Looks like a mauser derivative, possibly Turkish, with a cheesy scope mount that replaces the rear sight.
Model 96 Swedish Mauser?
Argentine Mauser
Is it a Swedish Mauser, model 48, sniper edition, with side mounted sniper scope?
I've seen that the Swedish Mausers have stainless steel bolts, like the one in the picture seems to have.
Looks like a Swedish Mauser M96, semi sporterised with a leupold scope and what looks like a picatiny rail mount of some description
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