
Wednesday 24 March 2010

Not today!.............from Rico

The RED queen Pelosi and her gang of full-on barking-mad Communist stooges are celebrating today, but they are NOT celebrating "Health Care Reform."
- It was NEVER about your health or reforming health care, it was always about controlling your ass...owning your ass!

That can be defined as "change" by the way.

Obama-Soetoro, the pretend pResident defines chabge another way:
- Having promised numerous times that any legislation 'passed' would be available for 5 days online before he signed it, is now....36 hours later....doing exactly the opposite and signing this rotten piece of Congressional excrement!

Ever heard the expression "consent of the governed?"
- Well, they can all 'reconcile' this: I 'deem' they no longer have my consent, they are un-Constitutional and illegal poseurs who have hijacked our Republic and are NOT legitimate authority. Not after this.
- I do NOT consent.
- I will NOT obey illegal orders or 'diktats.'
- I acknowledge NO legitimate authority on their part, over me.

I say NO, tyrants! NO!
- For the 220 who voted for this steaming legislative turd, in Russian: NYET.
- For Obama-Soetoro, in Bahasa Indonesia: TIDAK.

In American: Kiss my ass!

1 comment:

Eric said...

I will never, never, never, never, never, ever give in to this, no matter how many prisons the government tries to put me in, I will never pay another income penny to the government of Amerika. I hope every legislator that voted for the constriction of my freedom dies screaming at the end of a rope, which I will happily provide.(sorry about the stolen words from Sir Chirchill, but it seems appropriate)