Thursday 4 March 2010

Caption Time.........


Mark said...

Hmmm, they must suspect an untaxed television set is on the premises.

G'Willie said...

Batman made this look so easy


Been there . . . done that . . . got the t-shirt . . .

kiwibloke said...

YMC......where's A?

Unsworth said...

Oh no! Not another Cirque de Soleil show, surely?

Cargosquid said...

The brave paparazzi get Hillary Duff's engagement photos

Brian said...

Right, who was meant to bring the squeegee and bucket?

Edward Maldonado said...

Geez the people from the electric company sure are getting ruthless when it comes to collecting their dues.

Whichendbites said...

IDF window cleaning display team in action.

TheBigHenry said...

Dude, I think up is that way ...

Nancy R. said...

"You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around ..."

LifeoftheMind said...

Hang on a second, my foot itches.


Trust me, the door squeaks. This is the only safe way to get in after a night out.

Anonymous said...

Spiderman spiderman can do anything a spider can!