
Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Army drops bayonets...........from Rico

What kind of wussy Army are we going to have now? No bayonets? Obviously 'running out of ammo' hasn't been considered...and thos skeery 'sharp' knives/bayonets...ewww!

No more "fix bayonets, charge" like Chamberlain's lads on Little Roundtop when they were out of ammo and still under attack.

Lifting ammo cans and dragging bodies? Fine. Practical and useful training.
- But a very sharp knife/bayonet in hand-to-hand can be more lethal than a handgun (which your average 'grunt' does not carry).

Heck, I could be ALL wrong about this! Maybe a mortal enemy will 'like' us more if we don't resort to violent knives/bayonets.

The tomahawks some of us carried...and the kukris the Gurkhas are rightly famous for, are both probably 'war crimes' or 'too violent' or some such PC drivel.

I am glad I am now outta there!

Army drops bayonets, busts abs in training revamp

1 comment:

XBradTC said...

Don't get your panties in a bunch. They're replacing bayonet training, which was pretty useless, with more practical combatives, including knife fighting.