Tuesday 23 February 2010

Where our readers come from.............

Click to enlarge.


Cargosquid said...

Told ya, you're an honorary American.

Diamond Mair said...

I'm wondering why Hawaii doesn't show up - could it be they don't appreciate your skewering of their favorite "adopted son" ...................... ;-)

Semper Fi'

Anonymous said...

"I'm wondering why Hawaii doesn't show up"

I'm wondering, too, as a daily reader from there.

Keir said...

This can't be right; Blogspot is completely blocked by the fascists here ruling China, and I can only access it (and sundry other subversive and dangerous sites like Youtube, WHO, Facebook, etc) by paying an annual fee of $60...

Theo Spark said...


China is ranked 50th on the list.

Mark said...

You need to do more 'outreach' work in Africa. Surely the relative low readership from there indicates on mitigated racism on your part...

Just practicing for the way this will be in the USA....

Anonymous said...

I thought this was a Brit site?

I come here for my government mandated daily quota of furrin devel multi culti "sensitivity awareness"... and the pics of pretty women.

Michael Moore said...

Wot about Aussieland?

Much be at least a million from there!