Wednesday 24 February 2010

Rebellion in the Air

Thomas Paine, American Patriot

Whether it is Obama the man, or the Obama presidency, there is a sense in my country that the United States government no longer has legitimacy. I think it was the bank bailouts. For years we've voted Democrat, or Republican, hoping that the right principles would win out. Now we see who won: the Oligarchy that produces sociopaths like George Soros. I tell you on the strength of everything I believe: the American taxpayer feels certain he is paying for something he didn't want to buy -- he wasn't even asked whether it was something he could use. Behind the friendly face of the Tea Parties is something more ominous:

Seething hatred for the bastards who run the country. HATRED

What are we doing about it at the Reb?

Laughing. Looking at pretty girls. And writing informative screeds, that's what. As always, with the greatest humility at our disposal!

Rob De Witt knocks one out of the park with Common Sense. Go on. Treat yourself!

The Classical Liberal follows up with The Myth of Collectivism.

John Jay thinks secular man is a Conceited Twirp, and says so.

Fuchs explores Republicans' Progressive Roots, and I take a look at Reds -- the ones I've known.

See you at the Reb.

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