Wednesday 24 February 2010

Happy Days, again?..............from Rico

Let's see. You have to have an "income" to start with.
- If you do NOT have any income, it is a 'distraction' to play the wealth/class-envy game.

It is ironic that FDR used the slogan "Happy Days Are Here Again" while he was busily "shafting" the country and prolonging the last depression. Berry Obama-Soetoro has declared that he wants to ba another FDR. Looks like he is achieving his 'dream' since he is also shafting the country and prolonging this depression [chart attached]!

For all the hopey-changey fans and librul Democrats (C), here is a simple depiction for you of exactly how things work. Pictures. Small, simple words. [attached]

For everyone else, have you "wondered" why every week there is an 'auction' of Treasuries (USG debt) the equities markets "tank?" There is a real pattern of this recently.
- It's called "beat the glass to startle the hamsters" [read: scare the money into a flight to 'safety'....snork-snicker-chortle-guffaw]!

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