
Tuesday 23 February 2010

The "French" model..........from Rico

No, not THAT kind of model. Flush-out your head gear. I mean the French 'economic' model. The Socialist one so beloved by American Socialists like John Kerry and Marxists like Berry Obama-Soetoro, et al., because it is "fair."

THE SUPPORTERS aka TAX PAYERS. One third of the people work hard, earn money, and pay taxes on their earnings.

THE SYSTEM aka TAX SPENDERS. One third of the people are on the Government payroll and work hard at spending the tax money from the first third, but when they have some free time they also 'work' at preventing the first third from earning any more money.

THE SUPPORTED aka TAX EATERS. One third of the people are supported by the tax spenders with money confiscated from the tax payers. They are the tax eaters.

If you get the inevitable increase (influx) of tax eaters and run a little 'short' on money, NO problem!
- The tax spenders can just raise taxes on the tax payers.
- The tax spenders can 'borrow' money and the tax payers can pay back those loans.
- The tax spenders can 'print' (create) more money.

Yes, a system that rewards the supported with money seized-by-force from the supporters works GREAT, mais ouis?

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