
Monday, 25 January 2010

IF you BELIEVE...........from Rico

If you believe das Hopenchange, then you probably believe the teleprompter-reading talking heads in the political and financial media who are telling you Greece is a terrible problem for the Euro, but California is NOT a problem for the US Dollar.

If you do not have a severe case of cranial-rectal inversion, you know that:
- California has a GDP 400% greater than that of Greece.
- The USD has forty-more potential Greeces waiting to erupt.
- California has already failed, while Greece has not.

And, with the unemployment funds of 24 States in the red, and 9 more going broke within about six months, it is your patriotic duty to convert any and all savings you may have into "safe" assets like Federal-State-Municipal bonds!
- Besides, for his next magic act, The Won will "ban budget deficits" and issue coupons to taxpayers.

"Gotta run right now, time to pay off my credit card with another credit card!"
B. Bernanke

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