Saturday 17 October 2009

Saturday Night is Bath Night.....

Cartoon Round Up....

Video: Freediving World Record - 88m without fins

Freediving World Record - 88m without fins from william trubridge on Vimeo.

H/T Canis 61

Bonus Babe...........

Borrowed from Uncoached

Know it well........

Video: Hahn Beer Commercial

Gordon Brown?


H/Ts Max B & Jackie G

Here are some useful Norwich phrases and words:

Naarigde Yoonyun - Major Norfolk and Sri-Lankan employer
Thang Kyer - Spoken at high speed, used by Norfolk shop assistants when accepting money.
How're yer getting arn buh? - Norfolk greeting
Rup Bah - Variation on the above
Hair - Here
Shicagoo's - Nightspot on Prince of Wales Road, Norwich
Bare - Sold by the pint in Shicagoo's
Is that roight? - Comment to show that attention is being paid to the speaker
Ass a Jook - I'm just kidding
Khazi - Suburb on the western edge of Narridge
Tross - Suburb on the southside of Narridge
Windam - Small town south of Narridge (Sensible abbreviation of it's proper name : Wymundimunidundim)
Loose-tarfed - East coast fishing port
Card - Traditionally eaten with chips, might well have been caught off Loose-tarfed
KooDee - Discount shop at the top of St Stephens, Norwich
Hum Base - DIY store
Fooze - Electrical component on sale at Hum Base
Fool - Petrol or Diesel
Drive you steady bor - please drive with more care
Gu tehec buh - my, how surprising
Stoop ud - Term applied to very silly people
Gatoo - Sticky chocolate cake
Foo too or Fota - Get these developed at Boots
Sproight - Fizzy lemon drink
Boost - To Brag about ones achievements
Jargon - Like running, but at a more leisurely pace
Ar ya orrite, bor - Good Morning
Ar ya orrite, bor - Good Afternoon
Ar ya orrite, bor - Good Evening
Hay ya gittin arn tagether? - Hello
Yow siller owld fule - Comment made to someone displaying "backward" tendancies
How fer ar ya doin' bor? - How are you?
Loight arse - Lighthouse
Haysbra (Happisburgh) - Coastal village with a loight arse
Hunstan Hunstanton - Coastal village
Furriners - People who come from anywhere outside of Thetford
Thas a rumman - Not quite up to scratch
Blast Bor, yow git a ding-a-tha-lug - I'm going to hit you now
Fare t' middlin - I'm doing quite well
Bishy Barny Bee - A Ladybird
Thas a Bit on the Huh - That's a bit wonky/uneven
Traa'er - a farming vehicle
dicka - horse
ha' yer farver gorra dicka, bor? - does your father own a horse
cumbine airvista - an agricultural vehicle
carra rud - a place where narj people go to watch their football team lose
ur day - to day
wot yoo up to urday - what are you doing today
ouver hair / ouver ere - im over here
gunna - going to
Lully ole jarb (Lovely old job) = Excellent

H/T Tim D

Video: Amphibious Car Vehicle at Lake Havasu and Newport Beach CA "American Deamin"

H/T Peter Gunn

More at Watercar


Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate.

Iraqi Army Going Modular by DJ Elliott

Murders of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian.

Shake your breasts for Allah: the jihad against bras.

Learning from Mao.

Asterix turns 50 as French villages squabble over inspiration for Gaul

Rural counties hit by rise in burglaries, police figures reveal.

British Army recruitment reduced in £97 million cuts package.

Pakistan army begins ground assault on Taliban in South Waziristan.

Geert Wilders arrives in UK and explains his 'problems with Islam'.

Britain criticised for opting out of UN vote condemning Israel.

Hugo Chávez seizes golf clubs in drive to defeat ‘bourgeoisie’.

Fiasco as Iraqi deportees are turned back in Baghdad

Asia Times interviews al Qaeda commander Ilyas Kashmiri

An Honor Roll of One

The Dance that Failed

Prosecutors and the FBI have announced that they have filed charges against several people involved with the Galleon Group hedge fund, including founder Raj Rajaratnam. Galleon is a major hedge hund player known for its investment in technology stocks. Most notably, the government is filing criminal charges related to insider trading in a number of securities going back to 2006. So this is much more than a standard SEC civil charge. Obama Donor Arrested for Insider Trading

Matthew Vadum: Is Al Gore Evil, or Just Wrong?

IBD: Selling China the Rope to Hang Us

James Taranto on Andrew Breitbart: Taking on the Democratic-Media Complex

Victor Davis Hanson: Obama's Theorems are Buggers (What would Thalia say?)

Rush Limbaugh: The Race Card, Football, and Me

More idealistic hijinx at Washington Rebel, where catawampus is parallel to pseudo-certainty.

Uh..No, I've never heard of ACORN.

H/T Paul B

Saturday Totty.....

ABC's for Seniors..............

A’s for arthritis;
B’s the bad back,
C’s the chest pains,
Perhaps car-d-iac?
D is for dental decay and decline,
E is for eyesight, can’t read that top line!
F is for fissures and fluid retention
G is for gas which I’d rather not mention.
H High blood pressure–I’d rather it low
I for incisions with scars you can show.
J is for joints, out of socket, won’t mend,
K is for knees that crack when they bend.
L for libido, what happened to sex?
M is for memory, I forget what comes next.
N is neuralgia, in nerves way down low
O is for osteo, bones that don’t grow!
P for prescriptions, I have quite a few,
Just give me a pill, I’ll be good as new!
Q is for queasy, is it fatal or flu?
R is for reflux, one meal turns to two..
S is for sleepless nights, counting my fears,
T is for Tinnitus, bells in my ears!
U is for urinary, troubles with flow;
V for vertigo, that’s ‘dizzy’, you know.
W for worry, NOW what’s going ’round?
X is for x-ray, and what might be found.
Y for another year I’m left here behind,
Z is for zest I still have– in my mind.


Video: Red Green Show - Honda Civic Boat Rack

Video: USMC Fox Company of 8th Marines 2009

Friday 16 October 2009

Bedtime Totty......

Snack of the Day.......

H/T Nebraska Bob

When more = less...............from Rico

Zimbabwe (remembered by fossils like yours truly as Rhodesia, the wealthiest country in Africa...also known as Africa's breadbasket).

In 1980 the Z$ was worth MORE than the US$.
The Z$ of May 2008 had lost 99.99% of its purchasing power by November 2008.

What happened?
- Politics (Marxist Socialism under Bobby Mugabe).
- Printing bales of paper money to fill the gaping hole socialist politics made in the economy.

Does anything sound familiar or resonate here? But-but-but it can't happen HERE you say.
- Sin has already started.

Let's see now...since March 2009 US stocks have risen 60%, but the US$ has fallen 15% (and it's not nearly done dropping yet). Earning more of a devalued currency. Such a deal!

Kudos to Team Obama...and a reminder: November approaches!

Cartoon Round Up....

As if I need a reason!!

What's This?

Oswald Bastable

Not looking good.......from Rico

The "Elliot Wave" (please don't make me explain Fibonacci sequence here) indicates further declines in the US Dollar.

See index attached (where we 'were' implies where we are 'heading').

Put another long as our politicians behave like the jailer in "The Count of Monte Cristo" (when the prisoner says 'God sees all' the jailer replies "I will stop beating you as soon as he shows up.") a three year old with a pocket calculator can pretty much figure out that we're screwed.

The floggings will stop when morale (and the greenback) improves!

Video: MR NOBEL - Can you hear us now?

Geeky Totty........

12 Hottest Geek Girls

H/T JMH via Instapundit

Recommended Read........

Get it from

Monday Books for UK Readers

Coming soon to Amazon for Overseas Readers.

H/T Tim D

Caption Time.........


Meet our new Editor........


Friday Golf Tip.........


Should get me through the Weekend.........


It continues........

30 years of sexy ladies: The women of 1988

KFC sells Japan.

H/T Rico

Cool Shot....


Nice Drums.......


U.S. troop funds diverted to pet projects.

High Price of Obamacare.

MoD accused of risky arms-buying spree.

Obama loosens missile technology controls to China.

US spends $1 million per soldier in Afghanistan, government report says.

Taliban Campaign Strikes at Cultural Heart of Pakistan!

Final boarding call: empty bladders only.

Yoga and circus skills replace school rugby.

MEPs call for compulsory 'EU lessons' in schools.

West German spies collected jokes from behind the Berlin Wall.

France will not send any more troops to Afghanistan, says Nicolas Sarkozy.

Michele Bachmann is the new Republican Party pin-up.

Boy asks Barack Obama 'why do people hate you?'.

Pakistan's ISI still supporting the Taliban, say Afghans.

'Ho White and the Seven Dwarves' beer advert angers Disney.

MI5 chief defends 'torture intelligence'.

‘Sufficient evidence’ to charge Libyans over Yvonne Fletcher.

UN row threatens to sink Middle East peace plan.

Italians bribed the Taleban all over Afghanistan, say officials.

Five men convicted of plotting terror attack in Australia.

Shocker! Obama Pentagon to Bury Bush Doctrine.

Paratroopers Learn Battlefield Forensics.

and finally......

British men last longer in bed than foreigners.

Gipsy Kings - Volare (R.I.P. Al Martino)

H/T Canis 61

Frog Bashing......

What do you call 100,000 Frenchmen with their hands up?
The army.

How can you recognise a French veteran?

Why are there so many tree-lined boulevards in France?
Germans like to march in the shade.

Why did it take Germany three days to conquer France in World War II?
Because it was raining.

Why did the French give America the Statue of Liberty?
Because she has only one arm raised.

Why do the French get more votes in the U.N.?
They vote with both hands.

Why is the French fighter plane called the Mirage?
It doesn't exist.

Why don't they have fireworks at Euro Disney?
Because every time they shoot them off, the French try to surrender.

What does 'Maginot' mean in German?

Why is the French Foreign Legion the only decent fighting force in the whole French Army?
Because it's made up of foreigners.

Why do the French have glass bottom boats in their Navy?
To see all their other ships.

What did the mayor of Paris say to the German army as they entered the city in World War II?
'Table for 100,000, monsieur?'

Why are the French afraid of war?
You would be, too, if you had never won one.

How do you stop a French army on horseback?
Turn off the carousel.

Did you hear about the French admiral who wanted to be buried at sea when he died?
Five sailors died digging his grave.

What's the best thing about being French?
You can surrender at the beginning of the war and somebody else will win it for you.
'I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me.'
General George S. Patton.

How do the French advertise surplus World War II rifles for sale?
'Never fired, only dropped once.'


Steven Crowder: I GOTS'A PEACE PRIZE!

Video: Red Green Show - Old TTC Bus

Red Friday Totty......

Mao? WTF?.................from Rico

Insanity. justice, wealth redistribution= Marxism.

The strongest castle walls are no defense against enemies within.

- Commies ain't cool.

FYI - The Chinese 'gulags' were known as "the big circle"...are you listening?

This video is worth watching.

Video: KC-130 refuels F-35B prototype

American Zombie Support for Obama Remains Strong

Republic of Virtue? 43% of American Electorate are "Functional Zombies"

A Republican Wave? I wouldn't bet on it. Most conservatives I know don't trust the Republican Party much more than Democrats. For most of us, it feels like an oligarchic elite is in control. I would say America is doing some serious soul-searching.

Jay Cost at Real Clear Politics narrows in on something I've been wondering about:

"In the last five years, I have noticed a peculiar phenomenon about the national party committees. Twice in a row the out-party's committee seems to have been "captured" by an ambitious politician who seems more interested in making a name for himself rather than doing the nitty-gritty, unglamorous work of laundering money. I think two factors help explain this." What's Happening to the RNC?

Tony Blankley: This is Nuts

Treat Yourself: Washington Rebel

Thursday 15 October 2009

Site of the Day: Semper Fi

Easy Company, 2nd Batt, 7th Reg, 1st Marine Division

H/T Scotty

Bedtime Totty................

Cartoon Round Up....

Caption Time........

Random Thoughts...........from Marshall

> The Duke lacrosse case is still active; you just don't hear a lot about it anymore since the media lost interest. The hoax no longer fit the media template of what is important, mainly a lot of white-bashing, and beating up on nice kids from good families. The big media left walked away long ago but they can't get rid of it.
I read a while back that the insurance company does not want to pay the damage suits to the players, contending (correctly) that the school administrators deliberately slandered the lacrosse players and that the school, not the insurance company, should have to pay the players. I'm no fan of insurance companies but I agree with them on this one. They are generally ahead of the Duke faculty. We have the medialeft and the faculty left, don't we.

> Democrats never admit tax cuts produce more tax revenue. Stimulated growth does the trick every time. Democrats claim to care about balancing budgets and say they have to raise taxes to do so. They won't admit that spending (THEIR spending), not tax cuts, ran up the 1980s budget deficit.

> " Most Americans aren't the sort of citizens the Founding Fathers expected; they are contented serfs. Far from being active critics of government, they assume that its might makes it right." - Joseph Sobran
If they ever created a Hall of Fame for writers, Joe Sobran should be among the first inductees. one more :
" Politics is the conspiracy of the unproductive but organized against the productive but unorganized." - Joseph Sobran

> Have you ever heard of a town having its zip code revoked by the U.S. Postal Service ? It happened to Centralia, Pennsylvania in 1992.
Zip Code 17927 was revoked because of a coal mine fire underground, smoldering since 1962, causing the town to be abandoned, a modern day ghost town.
By 2005 the town was down to 11 residents, having contained a population of more than 1,000 as recently as 1981. Centralia, once a prosperous coal town, is now a ghost town, a dangerous place to even walk around. Cave-ins now occur there and grass grows all winter in super cold Pennsylvania because of the always warm-to hot ground surface in Centralia. See and for more details.

> Bumper sticker of the day : Downsize D.C.

> " As regards providing medical insurance for illegal immigrants, I doubt that the president will do that. More likely, he will legalize them first and then give them medical insurance."- Thomas Sowell
And in so doing, the president will have a bunch of new Democrats ready to vote themselves more government goodies, paid for by you and me. - MM

> " The plain fact is that the Obama administration has very shallow roots in historic America. It is, to put it brutally, a minority occupation government. Government and governed have very little real contact or mutual understanding. It's a recipe for continuous clashes." - Peter Brimelow on 10-7-09

> Tax withholding was designed by Milton Friedman, then a young economist, just to get us through World War II. I believe he later regretted it. It became a government con game, a deception still conning us years later.

> " Who gets to decide what constitutes 'reasonable gun control' ? Diane Feinstein or Ted Nugent ? "-

Yoga has Bloopers!!!

More at Uncoached

Probably not the most subtle prezzie for the wife!!!

Sleeping Bra Improves Your Misshapen Boobs


Video: If you ever had a brother

H/T Nebraska Bob

Trailer: FANTASTIC MR. FOX - Official Theatrical Trailer

Budget Blog House.........