
Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Are tea parties selling out?

And did they get a good price for it? I have a piece over at PJM about those tea parties who are getting too cozy with the GOP too quickly.

Some of them are buying into the the threat that standing up for their principles will cost the GOP victory in 2010. Do tea party types care about the fate of the GOP? Should they?


Billiam said...

I decided some time ago that voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. I also decided that I'd vote for who I believed in, end of story. Maybe if more people did that, we'd not be in such straights as we are today.

Peyton said...

The GOP has too often taken to being democrat-lite. If they want to be relevant, if they want to show a distinction, they need to be "the conservative party." They can leave abortion law as is, as well as gay marriage - they're not going anywhere. Focus on fiscally responsible government, national defense, strict construction of the constitution, personal rights and responsibilities... Tea party issues! The GOP should adopt the Tea Party platform- as Reagan did - or face trying to compete with it as a party of... uh.... what?

Cargosquid said...

The Tea Parties can't be selling out. They aren't that organized. Individual regional groups may be "getting cozy" with the GOP, however. I know that the TEA Party in Richmond, VA. supports conservatives over GOP. That said, the GOP is probably still the only party that may come close.

LifeoftheMind said...

To many "Principled Conservatives" listened to all the RINO bashing about McCain and stayed home, that gave us Obama and Al Franken. My belief is that much of the divisive RINO talk really comes from far left Moby Trolls pretending to be conservative.

Cargosquid said...

Nah. The RINO talk is coming from us conservatives. We're tired of being treated as second class citizens by the GOP. So, we stayed home. I no longer will vote for the "lesser of two evils." If the GOP wants my vote, they had better address, at least half of my concerns. So far, I haven't seen it. Just more disparagement of "small government" or "social conservative" conservatives.

The TEA Parties are angry at BOTH PARTIES. Vote the all out!