
Sunday, 8 November 2009

Say it ain't so!.............from Rico

Team Obama want's to say it ain't so, but it's's twue!!!

When they scammed, conned, and knowingly LIED to the American public that things were going to get very bad without "Stimuless" (also known as "Porkulus" to anyone with a functioning brain that was paying any attention)...they were engaging in what that 'smart' fellow-Chigagoan Rahm Emmanuel was actually dumb enough to say in public, namely "not wasting a good crisis" to do what otherwise couldn't normally be done.

The pale blue line in the chart is the "threat" Dear Comrade Reader and the Democrats (C) used to bludgeon, bully, and justify this massive public theft directly from the pockets of you and I, the taxpayer.

The dark blue line is the "carrot" they used.

The red dots are the reality they delivered.
- Still believe these weenies? Still do not think their goal is wealth-redistribution and a Marxist ideal society a la Saul Alinsky? Then you are a moron.

The rest of us have been connecting the dots.

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