Monday 12 October 2009

WTF is this?



Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! They're actually trying to build a Death Star!

Neural said...

My guess is that it's a casing surrounding whatever is inside. But that's just a guess.

juvat said...

Storage case for Obama's Ego.

Not a sheep said...

Some sort of tunnel boring equipment?

fboness said...

A detector for some very large particle accelerator.

tsgt said...

"Storage case for Obama's Ego."

Can't be, nowhere near big enough.

The Grey Man said...

Perhaps the large wooden bagder didn't work.

Billll said...

Pinion gear for my new electric pencil sharpener. The big bull gear is on the next truck.

Anonymous said...

New development by Spacely Sprockets? Or, maybe it's from Cogswell Cogs?

Ken Mitchell said...

It's gear. One honkin' HUGE machine!

JoeC said...

One big * gear.

Larry Sheldon said...

WTF is this?

That's a big damned oversized load.

Container for Omamba eago?

Give me a break.

Aint nothing that big.

WV outtedef -- really!

Mandie said...

Looks like a neutrino detector. We have one here in MN.

K said...

Clearly a gear for the world's largest wind up watch.

ooGcM taobmaetS said...

A cog that goes in a really big pocket watch?

Lester304 said...

A storage case for one of Obamas ears.

LifeoftheMind said...

Wait till you see Baby Cog's Mama.

Murray said...

Thats part of the winch mechanism for my next trebuchet.

Bet you all thought I wouldn't get that defence contract but they loved my zero carbon footprint pitch.

fboness said...

Geez, guys. I thought I would give you a fat clue without giving it away.

This is the end cap for the ATLAS detector at Cern. This bit weighs 25 tons. The whole ATLAS assembly is well over 7,000 tons. The proton beams from the Large Hadron Collidor are guided through that center hole and intract within the detector.

The goal is to create a micro black hole that will grow to swallow the Earth.

Murray said...

We have that already, its called Obamanomics.