
Sunday, 25 October 2009

Thinking is so HARD!................from Rico

To truly understand the statement "opiate of the masses" you either have to be a student of Marx, a big fan of Mao, an Alinskyite...or be old like me and know who Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC) was, and what HE would have said about it; ...but that would mean you had to go to school before the Department of Education was created and hand-in-hand with the NEA made certain that "dead white males" were no longer taught, and their concepts eradicated to make way for the creation of good young socialists for the future brave new world.

Up with Maya Angelou and down with Shakespeare and Plato!!!!!

Power to the sheeple!


AmPowerBlog said...

Great posting!

Anonymous said...

So sad a truth.