Sunday 18 October 2009

Show me the money.............from Rico

Money. Paper currency or gold?

The paper dollar is going lower. Look at the graph depicting the "historic" and "transformational" money printing that started last Fall. For every dollar that existed a year ago, the government has created 2.1 of them by oday!

Gold vs. dollar. The second graph only has two conclusions for me.
- The dollar has consistently lost value (purchasing power) since 1971.
- While the price of gold has fluctuated, it has retained its purchasing power (value).

For anyone that actually "misses" the Jimmy Carter years, weep no more...they're back and on crack, into the bargain.
- Our Marxist Dear Reader has decided not to wait until leaving office to start his own version of a "habitat" project, but is busily turning Main Street America into a vast homeless shelter. Unconfirmed rumours are that it is to be called "Obamatat."

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