
Thursday, 29 October 2009

It isn't racist............from Rico

The Obamunists and other morons (there I go again, being redundant...whew!... barely refrained from listing Libruls, Socialists, Pelosi, et al, which would have been redundancy on a very bad formulation of MDMA plus a very long list of names, so I didn't) like to whinge and cry "racist" and hide behind "race" and "white guilt" rather than deal with facts and objective reality...especially whenever Comrade Dear Reader is faced with honest opposition to his Stalinesque policies and behavior.

THIS sign says it all. It's NOT racist to object to Obama's agenda. I hate it, and him too...both 'halves' of him. The whole man-child. He's a disaster. Paint him pink, smear lipstick all over him, but no matter what colour you paint this guy...he's bad news. I hate what he stands for (and does not stand for), his policies, and where he is trying to take my country.

Diatribe aside, this is a GREAT sign!!!


ajdshootist said...

To right!

WV. obblane

Oswald Bastable said...

I wonder at exactly what point 'ASSHOLE' became a race...

WAKE UP said...

Actually, I'll bet HE doesn't like his white half either - which makes him...what ? :)